23 May 2024
Door straighteners are a practical, cost-effective solution to prevent warping and bowing in doors, ensuring that they remain straight and well fitting over time. Our range of fully recessed door straighteners are easy to install, adjustable and can be completely hidden within the door to maintain the aesthetic appearance.
A warped door can lead to difficulties in opening and closing, which can be frustrating, unattractive and in some cases can have safety implications too. Door straighteners enhance the longevity and performance of a door, keeping it straight.
For both swinging and sliding doors, inserting door straighteners into new doors during fitting, will help to avoid any future warping and bowing. Once in situ they also assist with correcting any future issues.
Compatible with a wide range of door types, including wooden and composite doors, they are a versatile solution for residential and commercial settings alike.
Doors, particularly those of multi-layer or finished with veneers, are most at risk of bending and bowing. Exposure to a damp environment or additional layers and weight added to doors are two common examples of factors causing doors to bow and bend.
Our fully recessed door straighteners avoid any design compromise and maintain a clean finish, a must for premium joiners and carpenters! These hidden door straighteners allow you to fully conceal the bar by morticing it into the door, covering it with a cap then veneering over it to achieve a seamless finish.
The adjustable door straighteners in our range, ensure precise alignment to the door size and specifications.
Adjustments can be made in situ, once installed, from either the top or the bottom of the door via an Allen key, making future adjustments simple too.
Fixed length options are available for challenging applications, which require the strongest solution available. Something our expert team can advise on.
Our range of door straighteners are made of durable material and are of the premium quality you expect from SWS hardware.
Door straighteners are simple to fit for joiners and carpenters and are a prevention tool that can save call back time or costly replacements in the future.
Well fitting doors are a sign of good workmanship and complete a premium finish, whilst also enhancing energy efficiency and reducing noise with a snug fit.
Our expert team are on hand to offer advice and to ensure you order the right solution and parts that you need for your project, whether you are looking for a complete project schedule or just a single task solution.
Call: 01626 333900
Email: info@swshardware.com
Browse: https://swshardware.com/categories/door-straighteners
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